

A message from The Dark Overlord Of Rap:


     So , since it actually is me writing this quick bio, let me speak with you candidly: I gave myself the rap name ‘Sanity’ because I was hoping to find sanity in the twisted, sectionable life I had lead . I was , and I know this sounds insane, trying to find sanity through rapping.


     What is even crazier is that, truly, I have been able to find a semblance of sanity since I started. I want to thank you all who are out there for helping that to culminate, which you have been able to do simply by moving along with me through this unlimited journey.




     Sanity's 2023 album Postcards From Siberia will be released on CD and LP in affiliation with MorningStar Records in June 2024, remastered and expanded.

Albums Available On MorningStar Records

Album Title Album Code Release Date Formats Available
Sanity - Postcards From Siberia TG-08 23 June 2024 CD / LP